I definitely appreciate the frequent readers and the feedback that I get on my blog. I don't really write it for notoriety, but rather to entertain and not feel so distant from the Western World. An occasional headshake in disbelief or an actual laugh out loud are added bonuses. Please continue to enjoy.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Finally an Update

So June was the month of me being a horrible blogger.

July will absolutely be different.

I've been bowling a lot lately. Faithful readers might remember the cruddy experience that we had at a bowling alley earlier this year. Well the owners of that alley bought a new facility and it is LEGIT! Black lights, nice new balls, quality lanes, and they don't whine and moan when we bring cases of beer in. Actually the owner approached us the first night and told us how happy he was to see us and please to tell more people and bring more beer.

I'm not bowling consistently like I was numerous summers ago, but I'm doing pretty decent. I think that my scores are mildly affected by the fact that the last time I was bowling on a regular basis I hadn't discovered the pleasure of drinking beer and bowling.

In other news, we've found a nice darts bar. Only downside is their darts are complete crap. It's right across the street from our school so we put together a small collection to get some decent darts to keep under the bar for when we come to visit. The owner is awesome. He speaks a little English and loves it when we come to visit.

I went fishing with the boss a few weekends ago. I had a blast. Going out on a boat into the bay and fishing. It was a last minute trip so their wasn't a lot of time to prepare which I will definitely have to do next time as I was hungry a lot of the weekend.

I have a race this weekend. Another 10K. :-)

It's humid and hot here now. It makes me think of Robin Williams' joke about enjoying a waterfall running down the crack of his ***. Edited for Grandma Shannon. Love you :-)

I don't have an automatic ice machine in my freezer, but I have been making tiny ice cubes and storing them for when I want them. Mmmm ICE TEA!

Acupuncture has been going great. I feel the tendons in my knees are less swollen after a good session. I've had to alter my going time because of my new schedule, but I still go every week at least once. This week I'll definitely be going at least twice with a race this weekend.

I like my new classes. Well they're not exactly new as I'm now in week 6, but since I've been absent from the blog, then they're new to readers. The students are lower levels, but they are super fun to work with as most of them are working hard through the struggles to get to a new level of mastery. This is definitely a different approach to teaching the English language than my upper level students I've had in terms past, where the approach was to think critically in the English language, not basic understanding. The stories aren't bad either  

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