So this post is kind of one of those good news, bad news reports. Not so much for y'all, but just of recent events and learnings on my part. First I did a load of whites a couple weeks ago and I was thoroughly displeased with the result as they all came out dingy and nothing was truly what could be considered Clorox white. So this week I got to thinking about how I could get my whites really white and I thought of Grandma and mom and how they do the whites from church and how they soak them in a little tub beforehand and I figured if that could get red wine and cheap lipstick out of whites then it should work for the soy sauce and red pepper sauce that I had in mine. So I boiled a pot of water, threw some bleach and a little detergent into it and let my whites soak in it overnight and then washed them the next day. They turned out great. I was super happy mainly because both of my pillow cases that mom made for me were white tshirts and I wanted to be able to keep them that way.
And now for the otherside of the coin. After my longer run yesterday I was stretching out and doing my yoga routine when I noticed that my pinky toenail on one of my feet was a little long. It definitely needed a trim. So I go to rip the top of it off, in hindsight I don't know why I didn't go to the bathroom and get my clippers, and unfortunately ended up ripping the entire nail off. Heck of a way to top off an eventful morning.
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